The Yesterday Project: One
Ben & Sandra Doller
The Yesterday Project is a blind collaboration: each of us separately wrote a document recording the previous day, every day, for 32 days, without sharing our work. This is our declaration of dependence—an investigation of shared identity, adulthood and the risks inherent in deep connection. An incessantly honest chronicle of the dailiness of struggle, creativity, relationship and environment, The Yesterday Project projects the imagination of a future as a radical act.
Ben Doller is the author of four books of poetry, most recently Fauxhawk, forthcoming from Wesleyan University Press in 2015. His previous books include Radio, Radio, which won the 2000 Walt Whitman Award from the Academy of American Poets selected by Susan Howe (published under his former name, Doyle), FAQ, Dead Ahead and, with Sandra Doller, Sonneteers. Doller is currently Associate Professor of Creative Writing in the MFA program at University of California-San Diego.
Sandra Doller has published five books: Oriflamme (published under her former name, Miller), Chora, Man Years, Leave Your Body Behind and, with Ben Doller, Sonneteers. She has also published two chapbooks, including a translation of Éric Suchère’s Mystérieuse, which won the 2012 Anomalous Press translation prize selected by Christian Hawkey. The founder and editrice of 1913 Press and 1913 a journal of forms, Doller is currently Associate Professor of Literature & Writing Studies at California State University-San Marcos.
Find more from the Dollers on twitter: @Benjdoller & @sandradoller.