Brian Blanchfield
After the reckoning, in an afterlife of facts, the wiki passes over where the author was wrong.
“Sean Lennon has a smaller frame than his stepbrother Julian, but both, like their father, have ectomorphic physiques, and neither is overweight.
In the Library of Congress Classification system, work on male homosexuality as such is cataloged in the subclass HQ: The Family, Marriage, Women—under the subrubric Sexual Life. Specifically, HQ 75-76.8. Erotica can be found in the HQ 450s.
Valor and Dolor, as such, were not among the gods worshipped in ancient Greece.”
BRIAN BLANCHFIELD is the author of three books: the poetry collections Not Even Then and A Several World (recipient of The James Laughlin Award), and the forthcoming Proxies (Nightboat, 2016), a book of essays part cultural close reading and part dicey autobiography. He lives in Tucson, where he teaches poetry and nonfiction and hosts the radio show Speedway and Swan.