EP 98


On Attention, Transformation, and Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach Trilogy

Kate Schapira

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TIME TO BE SOMETHING OTHER THAN HUMAN reads Jeff VanderMeer’s Southern Reach trilogy and other texts, including Kate Schapira’s own Climate Anxiety Counseling project, in order to unravel, recombine and transform the things we think we know and have to be. The time to be something other than human is a time when the systems we’re part of are changing us and being changed by us. Dwelling closely with language and lichen, with horror and love, this essay feels its way through the loss of what we know and toward, if not yet into, something new.
KATE SCHAPIRA is the author of six full-length books of poetry, most recently FILL: A Collection (Trembling Pillow), a collaboration with Erika Howsare. She lives in Providence, RI, where she writes, teaches, co-runs the Publicly Complex Reading Series, and periodically offers Climate Anxiety Counseling.
This chapbook is part of the EP Groundloop Series. You can find other Groundloop digital chapbooks in our catalog.