
Kelly Puig, The Book of Embers
Kelly Puig is a Cuban-American writer and interdisciplinary artist. She holds an MFA in Fiction from Brown University where she received the Weston Prize for best graduate work and the Frances Mason Harris Prize for best manuscript of poetry or prose fiction written by a woman. Her cross-genre debut, The Book of Embers, was selected by Amaranth Borsuk for the Essay Press Book Prize. Excerpts from The Book of Embers are forthcoming in De-Canon + Fonograf Editions Hybrid-Lit Anthology and Denver Quarterly. Her poetry and fiction have appeared in Witness, Wag’s Revue, The Columbia Review, and Möbius Strip. As Creative Director, she co-founded Literati. She was selected as a 2022-2023 Artist in Public Art on behalf of The Boulder Office of Arts + Culture and is presently at work on a large-scale labyrinth made of prose.
Editors’ Choice

Toby Altman, Jewel Box
Toby Altman is the author of two previous books, Discipline Park (Wendy’s Subway, 2023) and Arcadia, Indiana (Plays Inverse, 2017). He has received fellowships from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Study in the Fine Arts, MacDowell, and the National Endowment for the Arts. He holds a PhD in English Literature from Northwestern University and an MFA in Poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His scholarly and creative work can be found in Contemporary Literature, English Literary History, Gulf Coast, jacket2, jubilat, and Lana Turner, among other journals and anthologies. He is currently Visiting Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at Beloit College.
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