2023 Chapbook Selected for Publication:
Michael Martin Shea, I’m Sorry But None of This is My Fault

Michael Martin Shea is the author of multiple chapbooks of poetry and hybrid prose, including most recently To Hell With Good Intentions (Beautiful Days Press, 2024), as well as the forthcoming pamphlet The Mary-Kate Olson Figures (Juvenilia). He is also the translator of the Argentine poet Liliana Ponce; a full-length collection, Theory of the Voice and Dream, is forthcoming from World Poetry Books in 2025. His poems and translations have appeared or are forthcoming in Chicago Review, Conjunctions, Denver Quarterly, Fence, jubilat, New England Review, Poetry, Witness, and elsewhere. He is currently a doctoral candidate in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at the University of Pennsylvania; beginning in the fall of 2024, he will be an assistant professor of English at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Ventanilla: Duet by Lawrence Lacambra Ypil
the year that i was born into by Erica Rivera
Squat Practice by Bo Hwang
Radical Humidities by Stephanie Sauer
Clearly by Kelly Clare
Liquid Moment by Carlina Duan
field by TR Brady
“our monuments to California” she calls them by olga mikolaivna
BedFruit by Khashayar “Kess” Mohammadi