Where Was I Again
Olivia Muenz
Split in two sections, Where Was I Again is a series of refrains on loss, gendered disability, community, alienation, productivity, value, and performativity. Written at the end of the author’s months-long period of being bedridden, Where Was I Again replicates her neurodivergence at the sentence-level, operating primarily through fragments and association rather than linear thought. Fundamentally playful, it layers and flattens experiences, calling out to an ever-shifting and multiple you.
OLIVIA MUENZ is a disabled writer from New York and author of forthcoming chapbook Where Was I Again (Essay Press). She holds an MFA in creative writing from Louisiana State University, where she received the Robert Penn Warren Thesis Award in prose and served as an editor for New Delta Review. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Gulf Coast, Black Warrior Review, Pleiades, Denver Quarterly, Salt Hill Journal, Anomaly, Southeast Review, and elsewhere. She currently teaches at Louisiana State University. Find her online at oliviamuenz.com.